Desert Living

By | April 12, 2024

Numbers 20:1,2a “Then came the children of Israel, even the whole congregation, into the desert of Zin in the first month: and the people abode in Kadesh; and Miriam died there, and was buried there. And there was no water for the congregation.”

The trip to the Promised Land from Egypt should not have taken but about 11 days. Once there, they could have started to enjoy the trees, shade, rivers and streams, fruits of the land, and homes already built. Instead, they entered the desert and did not leave it for 40 years.

They all hated the desert, but no one 20 years old or older would leave it alive. Ten men robbed them of the blessings the children of Israel could have had. It seems the children of Abraham could not trust God to move forward – even though they saw what God could do again and again. Note that the above verse states that Miriam died there. The last verse of this chapter says Aaron died there, too.

Many of God’s people today are living in a spiritual desert. A desert has very little beauty and very little life. It is drab and dry. Not much happens there.

Psalm 86:6 says: “God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.” This verse says that those who do not obey God – the rebellious – dwell in a “dry land” – a desert.

It is not God’s will that His people live in a spiritual desert. They are there because they are not following Him like they should. Christians that obey God find that He gives them fruit for their labor, satisfies their thirst, and they know the joy of God, and have no want (Ps, 23:1). They know what the “abundant life” is.

The “family” that God wants to put His new-born children (born-again) into is the local church. It is there where His people meet together, share one another’s burdens and pray for each other, and exercise their God-given gifts to edify one another.

Are you tired of desert living yet? Would you like to see more of what God wants to give you?

Christian friend, if you are saved but are not a part of a local church, I want to encourage you to find one that loves God, enjoys giving out the gospel, preaches the word of God plainly, and wants to please God in what they do.

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