Where Are the Overcomers?

By | August 19, 2024

1 John 4:4 “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

At the Olympics, which just ended, many athletes from around the world gathered in Paris. They showed up and were ready to do what they could in the massive contest for the gold.

Many of them had practiced for years and became very good at a particular sport or event. Their biggest challenge was not so much doing what they loved, but it was found in other areas of life.

There was so much more that they could have done – but did not. They could have hung out with friends, slept in, played computer games instead of going to practice, talked to friends on the phone, wasted time by watching stupid videos, etc. But they didn’t.

Christians are the same way. Each one could do things other than the will of God, and some will do what God wants half-heartedly.

At the same time, some of them mistakenly think that they will get big rewards when they get to Heaven. Just like the Olympics, contestants who only practiced half-heartedly should not expect to win any medals. They are not overcomers. In fact, most contestants in the Olympics will not receive a medal.

Our text verse reveals who the overcomers are. They are the ones who have fought against the things that war against the soul and prevent us from doing the will of God. Those things are the world, the flesh, and the Devil. The Holy Spirit gives the victory.

There are no crowns given to people who are not single-minded and who will not strive daily for the mastery over those things that keep you from doing God’s will. The verse above reveals that any obstacle can be overcome if we walk in the Spirit.

Are you an overcomer? What sin and fleshly obstacle will you overcome today to do His will?

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