When Can Revival Start?

By | July 8, 2021

II Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Many Christian believers talk about wanting revival. Most Christians are past the point of being tired of what is happening in our country. Change toward righteousness is desperately needed.

A real revival is the key and it is the only key to reversing the current trend of godlessness. God is needed to intervene. You likely have already heard many believers saying it. The reason revival has not happened yet is that there is more talk about it than action. The text verse above provides the formula – it is easy enough to understand. It is also something that most Christians could do.

It starts with choosing to get serious with God. Let Him point out the sin and shortcomings in your life. Confess that sin and forsake it. Be determined to start listening to and obeying His Holy Spirit. Get in the Word every day and let it guide your life. Make some changes and turn away from sin of every kind.

Now, it’s time to stop talking about revival. Why should you expect someone else to do what it takes to start a revival when you are not willing to? Why not determine today – right now – with God’s help – that you will do what it takes to see revival start in your own heart? Then, you can pray for revival across our country and help it spread. Help make it happen.

If revival depended on your prayers – would there be one?

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