Welcome to the New Year – 2022 Has Arrived!

By | January 1, 2022

The New Year has already started and there were some big celebrations last night. New York City had its famous ball drop and parties were everywhere. People are excited that 2022 has come and they hope it will be a better year than the last one.

The newness of the year will quickly wear off as people will soon be back to work or school, and their everyday lives. For Christian believers, this New Year – 2022 – can be more exciting than ever as you seek to accomplish more for God. It could also be the year that Christ comes back and takes us Home!

Think about it, Christian – this year could be the best and last opportunity you have to serve God like you should. It would be a shame to get to Heaven and have a lot of regrets and what-ifs!

On the other hand, what glory awaits those people that serve God faithfully! The apostle Paul hints at the fact that we can’t even begin to imagine what glories await those who are faithful! I want to be one of those that God will say: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant!” (Mt. 25:21).

Since this is the first day of the New Year, why not recommit to serve God better this year than last year? It will mean going to church regularly, reading your Bible every day, praying, and witnessing, and seeking to fulfill the will of God for your life. It could be the year of personal revival.

It is pointless to live for self because only what is done for Christ will last. No faithful believer has ever told me that he or she was sorry that they served God! I am sure that if you are saved that you will find the same things to be true.

Remember, though, that the cost of discipleship has never changed: “And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Mark 8:34).

God loves you and He takes care of His own. Trust God wherever He leads and He will use you: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Pr. 3:5,6).

If you are reading this and are not saved, why not make this the day of your salvation?

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