Watchers of the Heart

By | August 22, 2024

This verse in Proverbs gives every believer good advice. Our hearts, which refers to our thoughts, motives, and inclinations, has a tendency to naturally go back to its old ways.

Jesus said, in Matthew 15:19: “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.” As Christians, our minds can go back to our old nature and dwell on thoughts along the same lines if we are not careful – and watchful.

Because of the possibility, and since no one is immune to backsliding, we are told to watch (keep guard) over our hearts. In other words, take time every so often to determine what your goals are, whether you are serious about doing the will of God, and your attitude and time spent in the Word and in prayer.

If you give some carnal desire an inch, it can take over your life before long. We must learn to deal with them quickly and not give the world, the flesh, or the Devil an inch. Each time you yield, it can put another link in the chain that only Christ can deliver you from later.

As Christians, may God help us to keep “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith” (Heb. 12:2). Victory is through faith in the promises of God. At the same time, may we be busy doing our Master’s work – with His help and blessing.

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