Want to Understand the Bible Better?

By | September 23, 2021

Psalm 19:10 “More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.”

As a Christian, it is natural that you should want to understand the Bible better. Doing so can enable you to enjoy the Scriptures like David, who counted them more precious than gold. As he read and studied the Scriptures more and more, he declared: “How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalms 119:103).

Understanding the Scriptures better opens the door to a much wider range of blessings – once they are applied to your life. When read and studied properly, the Biblical meanings of many verses are made clear and the Bible becomes more exciting – and “sweeter than honey.”

Before the Bible can be properly understood, a solid foundation of Bible doctrines needs to be laid. The right kind of foundation is based solely on the Word of God and not on the particular teaching of a denomination or opinion. It is the best way to learn the Bible and it will help you study the Bible in greater detail later on.

Having good Bible knowledge will enable you to be guided by the Lord more completely and and help you to discover the joy that David had because of a close fellowship with God. You will also start to enjoy greater victory over sin in your life.

Learn more about how to get my Bible study workbook for beginners by following this link and get started toward becoming a stronger believer in Christ.

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