Walking in the Spirit

By | June 20, 2024

Galatians 5:16 “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”

This verse is probably one of the clearest in the Bible when it talks about the potential for victory the believer can have. It is clear in its message so that no one can miss what it is saying.

God made it simple so that no one can misunderstand what it is saying – but people seem to prefer offering excuses rather than claiming its promise. Certainly, we are not perfect – yet.

What the verse teaches is that Christians can have a taste of what our new bodies will be like after the Rapture. Victory will be ours – all the time. The verse is one of those “great and precious promises,” that enable us to be “partakers of the divine nature” (II Peter 1:4).

Walking “in the Spirit” is what God wants all His children to do. In that state, the Christian life is not a duty, or a chore, but a pleasure. It is walking with God on a daily basis.

We walk with Him by surrendering to His will, not our own. Once we surrender, He provides the guidance and the power, the love, victory, and the joy we need for daily life.

Once surrendered, you may find, like Peter on the water – things that will take your eyes off of the Lord Jesus from time to time. Confess it immediately, surrender afresh, and He will enable you to continue walking in the Spirit. Do not dwell on failure!

Be sure to listen to Him when He points out sin and when He directs you to witness to someone. The more you learn to obey, the more He will bless you.

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