Thoughts on Church Attendance

By | May 30, 2024

Acts 2:46 “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple”

Last night, I went to drop in on a church, as I often do if I do not have a scheduled meeting, and no one was there. This is sad, and I know that it is happening all over this country.

It seems many believers have just stopped having an interest in going to church. It is not only sad, but it is a shame.

Why? because many believers will say that they want to see a revival – but are not willing to support or put any effort toward having a revival, or supporting those who are seeking to be faithful. What will they do when their church closes – as many are now doing every year? It is doubtful that they will miss it, since it does not seem to play a big part in their life, anyway.

Revival is the only hope for this country. But it will not come from mediocre or carnal Christians – if they are even saved. It can only come from Christians who are dedicated to do the full will of God and get thoroughly right with Him. With sins confessed and a heart surrendered to God, He has promised to send a revival, according to II Chronicles 7:14.

What indifferent Christians do not realize is that their absence from the local church is a vote to close it down. They do not support it financially, or with their faithfulness, their family, and their friends are probably not church people either, because they do not want to be reminded about church anymore.

When our Lord comes for His own, He will be glad to find that there are still some on earth who have “kept the faith” and not turned their back on Him and His will for us. I do thank God for those of you who read this and still attend church regularly.

As the text verse shows, faithfulness and regular church attendance was the norm after Pentecost, and it was why early Christians were so spiritually strong. It was the pattern of the New Testament church, and it ought to be followed today. Faithful Christian, by grace keep going forward and try to bring some with you on Sunday. God will bless you for it.

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