The Will of God and the Call of God

By | April 30, 2022

Romans 12:2 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Many people struggle with the call of God on their life and some do it all their life. While it is right to wonder about it if you are not already certain, there is something that is just as important – if not even more so.

The above verse in Romans strongly hints at the fact that you cannot know or do the perfect will of God unless two things occur:

  1. You no longer follow the world in its customs, practices, language, goals, or trends. In other words, the world does not recognize you as one of their own.
  2. Your mind has been transformed by Christ. Instead of being focused all the time on earthly matters, you are now more concerned about expanding the Kingdom of God and giving Him glory.

Only when these two things are right, can you know the will of God. Some people, once they know it, shrink back from it. If you do, God will bring you back to it one day, but that original door may no longer be open to you – and years may have been wasted in the meantime. Remember Jonah?

The call of God is manifest in several ways – but not in a single way. Don’t expect to have a call like Paul had on the road to Damascus. It is different for each individual and it may be revealed at any time or place. God may call through:

  • A Scripture verse
  • What others say about your spiritual abilities (gifts)
  • What your heart’s desire is (be careful with this one because it can be misleading – you must also be qualified for some positions).
  • Doors that may open to you
  • Seeking counsel from a pastor or other godly leader
  • What the Holy Spirit tells you while in prayer and Bible study.

Sometimes, the call of God requires special preparation and training. Bible school may be needed if you intend to be a pastor or missionary. Be doing now what you can.

In addition to the above things, you need to surrender to God and tell Him that you will do whatever He wants and go where He wants you to go. He will not show you if you place limits on what you will do. Remember, too, that you will be happiest in God’s will wherever He leads and that He will always be with you.


Have you seen these other posts on the Will of God?

Determining the Will of God in Your Life

Christ’s Teaching on the Will of God and Salvation

The Will of God and Deliverance

Doing the Will of God Means Having a Single Mind

Making Plans and the Will of God

The Connection Between Knowing God’s Will and Faithfulness

The Will of God and the Word of God


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