The Truth about False Teachers

By | July 27, 2024

II Peter 2:1 “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.”

If ever there was a time when false teachers and preachers abound, it is now. They can be found at every turn – especially online – where they spew out their poisonous material. And they do it in the name of education and enlightenment!

Notice three things about these false teachers. They…

  1. “are among you.” – in the church and in religious institutions (so-called Christian universities.
  2. “privily bring in damnable heresies” they work behind the scenes, looking to find those that will give them an ear, and those who do not know enough Bible to detect the errors. Their teachings lead to damnation – not salvation.
  3. “denying the Lord that bought them” – they do not honor Christ as the only means of salvation. They will usually add to the Gospel some form of works: keep the Ten Commandments, get baptized to get the Holy Spirit, speak in tongues, get circumcised, join some group (cult), etc.

It is important that we remember where they are headed. God said they “and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” They will be judged – and so will those that follow them.

Christians must learn the Word of God and be able to discern truth from error. It is not an option. One of the biggest lies is that God is not the Creator of all. If you do not have this doctrine correct, you are also off on other ones. Jesus, the Son of God, said it was created. He was not mistaken. Many other Old and New Testament verses agree.

While false teachers rise up and gain popularity from a world that cannot discern truth from error, Christians should not be fooled by their lies. Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (Jn. 14:6). It is quite plain what He said, and anyone disagreeing with that statement is not of the truth.

Christian, can you tell truth from error? The best way to learn how to distinguish one from the other is to spend much time reading and studying the Bible and going to a Bible-teaching church.

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