The Transforming Power of the Word

By | October 11, 2024

II Corinthians 3:18 “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

In this verse, Paul talks of every believer being able to see the Lord “as in a glass.” A “glass” is a reference to a mirror, which was not as good back then as they are today.

His point is that believers “see” the Lord as they look in the Bible. It may take a little time and study, but Christ is on every page of the Word of God.

Most believers miss seeing Him as they could because they spend so little time in the Word. For most, studying the Bible is not a common practice – even though we are commanded to do so in II Timothy 2:15.

This verse tells us that if we want to be more like the Lord Jesus Christ, then spending time in the Word and prayer are imperative! There is no substitute.

As you look much into the Word and read and study it, the Holy Spirit will make the changes. You may not even notice it at first, but others around you will. The change will occur “from glory to glory,” or a little at a time. He alone has the transforming power to make us into His likeness.

If you find yourself unlike Christ in attitude, behavior, speech, or thought, it is time to confess it to the Lord and to start reading more and studying the Word more each day. By grace, consistency will pay off.

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