The Shortness of Time

By | June 30, 2024

Psalm 89:47,48 “Remember how short my time is: wherefore hast thou made all men in vain? What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave? Selah.”

The word “time” is found in 563 verses in the Bible. It is a very important word, as well as a concept.

All of us live in time, and we all have only so much of it. There is no guarantee of tomorrow for any of us. Today marks the end of the first half of 2024. How well have you served God so far? You cannot change it now.

What has been done for God is written, as well as what has been done for self. It is written in God’s books in Heaven. There is no going back, no second chances.

Today, you have a choice to serve God – or not. If you are not yet saved – make today that day when you trust Christ as your Savior. Make no delay.

If you are saved but have not been living for God, make today the day you start living your life for Him. Remember that rewards are earned and never given to slackers. God’s rewards are no different. They are for people who have “fought a good fight and finished” their divinely appointed course.

We need to be reminded, like the writer of this Psalm, that our time is short. We have no time to waste being undecided. Make up your mind to serve God better today and ask Him for His help – He will be glad to give it.

Keep going to a Bible-believing church and stay in your Bible. It will make a real difference – along with prayer. Be faithful to God and He will bless you.

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