The Season of Thanksgiving

By | November 23, 2023

Psalm 95:2 “Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.”

God delights in our recognition of Him as being the Source of all our blessing. Every day, He gives His children more blessings than we can count – even if we do not see them or are aware of them. They range from the very air we breathe, to the food we eat today, to the health we enjoy, and the things we possess. Of course, we also must realize our freedoms in this great country are also from Him.

The above verse was inspired and given to David as he sought to praise God. He was thankful for all God had given him, especially for the many deliverances that He often needed from his enemies.

David also praised God often – seven times a day for the Word of God and its righteousness: “Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments” (Psalm 119:164).

The text verse emphasizes that God wants us to remember that we owe Him much. In fact, all good things come from Him. He paid the highest price for our salvation and then gave us more than we can ever know in making us His children, and giving us a Kingdom one day. We have access to His Throne at any time in prayer and His ear is always open to the righteous – praise His Name for that.

God is most faithful to His Word and to His people that love and obey Him. He provides food so that none of His children that love Him are seen begging bread, He gives joy, guides, and keeps us from harm. He also puts His children into families – the church.

We can also thank Him because He has given us a great hope of a better tomorrow – when we will go to be with Him. He has also told us that there is an end to this wicked world and He will correct it all one day soon.

God Bless you on this Thanksgiving Day! Be sure to take some time to praise and thank Him for His many blessings.

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