The Race of the Believer

By | November 6, 2021
Running the race of the believer

Every believer is in the race

Hebrews 12:1 “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,”

The Apostle Paul – the writer of Hebrews – reveals to believers that each of us is in a race. The race has nothing to do with salvation, since the sin-debt has been paid in full by Christ on the Cross, and we are saved by grace – not works.

The race spoken of in this verse is lifelong. It is not a short one in which you can serve for a little while and then retire and be at ease. Your rewards are based on how well you run. It also is not a race against other believers, but it is a test to determine if you will do your best for Christ for the rest of your life. Although failures may come, He wants to see you get up again and keep going.

Note that Paul says three things about this race that every believer needs to be actively engaged in:

  1. There are “witnesses” – this refers to believers who went before us and gave their all to serve Christ.
  2. There are “weights” – things (“sin”) that will prevent the believer from doing his or her best.
  3. “Patience” is needed – so that you keep moving forward no matter what comes your way.

Thankfully, Paul also reveals how the Christian can keep on running the race. The key is in the next verse: “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” By keeping our eyes on Him and seeking His pleasure and power – the race can be finished successfully.


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