The Purity of the Word

By | December 15, 2023

Psalm 12:5,6 “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”

In the last post, I talked about the Bible being absolute truth. It is the standard by which all other “truth” can be safely measured. If it contradicts the Bible – it is not true.

Today, we will see that the Bible is without error of any kind – from Genesis chapter 1 to Revelation 22. In the last couple of centuries there has been many scoffers at things that they considered errors in the Bible. Many of these so-called errors were archaeological. For a long time, they pointed out, there was no evidence of a powerful nation called the Hittites. Later, there was much evidence uncovered at archaeological sites to verify the existence of that nation.

The Bible claims that all of it is “pure words.” It is equal in purity to silver that has been purified seven times. In Bible times, after precious metals such as silver and gold had gone through the purification process seven times, it was considered to be as pure as possible.

Because of its purity, the Word of God cannot be improved upon. Every word is from God or permitted by Him and is irreplaceable. Some people aim to critique the Bible and some of its language, thinking they can improve it. It is not possible.

He has promised to keep His Book pure and accurate – to preserve it. He can be believed when He says it. Personally, I use the KJV in all my Bible reading and study, as well as in my preaching.

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