The Promise That All Things Work Together for Good

By | August 15, 2024

Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

It is not unusual that Christians ask “Why” when troubles come. Sometimes difficulties can come even when you are doing right and following faithfully.

The above verse does say a lot about trouble, but there are also some things that are not said. The clear part is that we can have confidence that things that occur in our life will have a benefit at some time. What is not said is whether it will be in this life.

Also, the good mentioned may not just include the one experiencing the difficulty. Sometimes, God uses difficulties (the purifying fire) to better equip us to minister to others more effectively. This way, our difficulty produces good not only in us, but also in others.

Another thing the verse brings out is “all things.” How many of us believe that while we are faithfully serving Christ that “all things” are for good? It means there is nothing that happens in our lives that is not part of His plan or permission.

Then there is the condition in the promise: it is only to them that “love God.” Before any Christian claims this promise in a difficult hour, they need to ask themselves: What does it mean to love God? The Bible says that only those who keep His commandments love Him (Jn. 14:15).

One more thing that is not said in this Bible promise. Even though you may ask “Why,” there is no promise in the Bible that says He owes you an explanation. We are to trust Him in faith that He will always do what is right and never permit more in our life than we can bear with His grace and strength. God works all things for good.

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