The Promise of Power to Live Victoriously

By | March 24, 2022

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Most anyone that has been a Christian for very long knows this Bible verse. It is a tremendous promise with a lot of potential for practical Christian living.

I find this verse a blessing each time I focus on it. I have, however, seen misinterpretations of this verse all too often. It does not mean that you will be the best that there is in whatever you are doing – although some popular plaques and pictures indicate that it could.

Among other Bible verses about strength, this verse refers to the victory that God will give when you need it for obedience and service to Him. In other words, if you are sincere about serving God, you will always find that He will give power to do all that He wants – whether it is pleasant at that moment or not. It does not always mean that there will be a positive outcome.

It does mean that you, as a believer, can have victory…

  • Over temptation – any one!
  • Over sin – God can break the chains of any sin!
  • Over the world – victory over the things that the world worries about and craves for!
  • Over Satan – you do not need to fear him!
  • Over the thought life – you can have “the mind of Christ”!
  • Over the trouble and problems you will face today – they do not need to stress you out!
  • Over whatever prevents you from being a better Christian!

The result of knowing and using this verse – and others like it – is that you can continue to be a growing Christian. The only thing that really prevents you from growing as a believer is you.

For a better victory, strengthen your spirit – and resolve to continue – daily by getting in the Word and praying, and by going to church regularly.

What’s stopping you from being a better Christian?

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