The Promise of Limited Temptations (Pt. 2)

By | July 9, 2024

Romans 6:14 “For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.”

There are so many promises in the Word of God that tell believers that we can have the victory through Christ, that it really is a wonder that more Christians are not more victorious than they are. Instead, excuses are made to hold on to some pet sin.

Believers that were under the law – Old Testament saints, and those who believe works are necessary for salvation today – remain under the law and do not understand the marvelous grace of God. Thank God, His grace is more than sufficient to get victory worthy of His praise.

Under the law, a lot of human effort was needed to obtain victory over sin. Under grace, we have His power to help give us victory in our daily life. It comes through faith in His promises and power – not through our own limited human abilities.

The text verse tells us that “Sin shall not have dominion over you.” What a beautiful promise! Christians that walk in frequent defeat are trusting themselves and their limited ability to defeat the world, the flesh, and the Devil – more than God. Yes, determination to have victory is needed, but Christ can help give you that, too – if you are serious about it.

Christian, when you are tempted, meditate on the promise in the above verse and ask God for the victory that He promised. However, remember that you must be willing to serve and obey Him. He is looking to make His children like our Lord and will not respond to requests for victory if you want to hold on to some sin. He knows our hearts.

Part I: The Promise of Limited Temptations

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