Luke 2:7b “because there was no room for them in the inn.”
After Mary and Joseph had traveled for several days to Bethlehem, they finally reached their destination. No doubt, Mary was especially tired from the trip, since it was almost time for her to deliver her special Baby.
They went into the inn to get a place to sleep for the night. Since many people from all over had to come to be taxed, the inn was already full. It left the innkeeper with no choice but to reject them. All he could do was offer to let them stay in the stable – where the animals were kept.
It is not known just how many days they stayed there until Baby Jesus was born, but it was likely several days. Verse 6 says: “while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.” Notice that the word “days” is plural.
Since inns in that day were typically one large room where guests slept on the floor, it offered no privacy. How sad it was that they could not find better accommodations. It certainly was not a Comfort Inn or its equivalent.
Here is the King of kings about to be born into humanity, and He certainly is not treated like a king. But it was all in God’s plan.
It seems that many Christians today do not have much room in their lives for Him, either. They have become so busy that they cannot read His letter to them (the Word of God), and they have no time to worship Him with other believers. “It’s too much trouble,” they say, “to fit Him into my busy schedule.”
While they would deny giving Him the time He deserves, they probably have not even read their Bible today. They might go to church tomorrow – being Christmas Sunday – and they might go at Easter. Somehow that can hardly be considered as being faithful.
What do you think would happen if He showed you the same amount of faithfulness as you show Him? Do not forget the price He willingly paid to keep you out of Hell!