The Precious Thoughts of God Toward His Children

By | March 7, 2023

Psalm 139:17,18 “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.”

People have all kinds of different ideas of God. Of course, any wrong thoughts do not come from the Bible, but either from other people who do not understand the Word, or from people who only know a little Bible truth.

The writer of this Psalm – David – understood the great love of God toward him. He called that love “precious.” He was amazed at how “great” those thoughts were toward him – in number and in the size of them.

David also knew that God was very powerful and hated sin. God knows the perfect way to deal with sin and He does not it go unpunished, but He certainly never gives His children fully what they deserve when they sin.

When thinking about God and His love, it can always be measured by Calvary. Think about it. Jesus did not have to come from Heaven to die for us. At any moment, He could have called it off – but He didn’t. It was His glory to die for us – and we love Him for it.

If you are a Christian, and are not certain of God and His love for you, meditate on the above two verses today. Think about His countless blessings and thank Him for them. Read His Word daily, and get to know Him better. Talk to Him in prayer.

Many believers do not get very close to God because their eyes are on the wrong things. Because of this, they are often completely unaware of God’s daily “precious” working in their lives. God invites you to draw nigh – and see that He is good.

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