The Power of God to Change Lives

By | February 7, 2022

II Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

The above verse makes it clear that when someone gets truly saved that there is going to be some changes in their life. The Bible also declares that you can tell a tree by its fruit – and you can tell a Christian by their changed lifestyle. Although they will never be perfect this side of Heaven, some of the changes will be manifest quickly.

Getting saved means repenting of past sin. This does not mean that you must give up a particular sin and get polished before coming to Christ for salvation. Instead, be willing to come to Him and let Him do the changing in your life. Admit (confess) that your sin is against God and you need His forgiveness and salvation. You will find that He is quite able to make you a “new creature.”

With God’s help, believers should hate sin, but it will still tempt you at times. He knows how to deliver you out of every temptation, and He invites you to come to Him when tempted: “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

Many people that were once deep in sin got saved and then discovered that those sins they struggled so long with were no longer a problem. The sins were removed and they gloriously were changed. The only explanation is that God made the change because they could not.

Once saved, asking God for help quickly before you sin is the key to victory. It is also a way to see God’s power strengthen you. How God can change lives – your life – can become personally evident when you ask Him often for victory. He is faithful to help His children when they ask Him for it. Have you called lately and had the victory that God wants you to have?

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