The Pleasure of God to Bless

By | March 17, 2022

Psalms 37:4 “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”

Many people are aware that God blesses some people. It is also evident that some people seem to be more blessings than others. It is only natural that believers would want Him to bless them, too.

Christians really should know this very well but many believers wonder why God does not seem to be blessing them. The reason is not a secret – in many cases. It is also true, though, that God does not intend to bless every one of His children in the same way. It is not His will that every believer be rich, healthy, or popular. God’s greatest blessings are spiritual ones and they can be enjoyed anywhere (assurance of salvation, love, peace of God, faith, spiritual victory, answers to prayer, etc.)!

The text verse says it all. It contains the secret of getting blessed by God. The verse gives only one condition: “Delight thyself also in the LORD.”

Many believers today find that it is easy to say that they love God. Of course, we all should. But Jesus revealed that not everyone that says they love God really does love Him. He revealed the true from the false by declaring, in John 14:21: He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.”

Delighting in the Lord means several things in the Bible. It includes the following:

  1. Loving His commandments is synonymous with loving His Word. Do you spend time in it?
  2. Loving His commandments – they are not grievous (nor are they for salvation). It means you enjoy doing what God wants.
  3. Loving Someone or something means you want to and actually do spend time with them. You have a “delight” in them. Loving God rightly means you love Him more than anything else – whether it’s people, places, activities, games, etc.
  4. Loving God like a believer should is referred to as “first love.” Remember how you first loved God after you were saved?
  5. Loving God means respecting Him for Who and what He is (“fear of God”) and you love holiness – because He is holy.
  6. Loving God means you tell others about Him – just like you told others about your girlfriend/boyfriend when you first fell in love.

If you find that your love for Him has grown cold – or is headed in that direction – but you want to correct it – confess it and ask for His help. Then, spend more time in the Word, prayer, and going to church. Obey Him in other areas, too.

Psalm 37:4 reveals that when you really delight in God that He will bless you. Ask yourself if you love God like that. If not, it is time to confess it and get right – or stop complaining that you are not blessed!

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