The Place of God’s Honor

By | June 29, 2024

Psalm 26:8 “LORD, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth.”

David loved being at the house of the Lord. In his days, it was in a tent – the Tabernacle. Later, his son Solomon would build the Temple.

Today, the place where God’s presence is made known, is in the church meeting. Not necessarily in a church building, because many so-called churches are not honoring to God in what they do.

Of course, He also dwells within our hearts, if you are saved. What a comfort it is to know that He is always present with the believer.

The primary thing that David emphasizes in this verse is that he loves the place that God has designated for Himself. He loved it because he enjoyed being in the presence of God. In his day, God especially met with His people at the Tabernacle, even though He could be prayed to anywhere. David was in tune with honoring the God of the Tabernacle.

Many believers have left coming to the place where God is honored – the local church. It makes me wonder if they really love God at all, and if they want to honor Him at all! Certainly, He has done so much for us in saving us and after our salvation! He is worthy of all honor and praise.

The Bible tells us that we honor God by obeying Him. How else can we call Him “Lord” if we do not let Him be Lord of our life? The word “Lord” is more than a title. It means boss. Is He your Boss today? Will you worship with other believers tomorrow – even if they are not perfect yet?

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