The Most Gracious God

By | December 4, 2021

Psalm 86:15 “But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.”

When it comes to the characteristics or attributes of God and how they relate to us, there is no limit. No believer (or David) can begin to name all the benefits that God confers on us each day – let alone in a lifespan. Our minds and tongues cannot express all that He has done with and without our asking Him for it.

God’s compassion for us is seen in many ways. He causes it to rain on the just and the unjust, and blesses in innumerable ways. Of course, His love is best seen when He sent Jesus to leave Heaven and die on a cruel cross for us all; and He even asked His Father to forgive those that nailed Him to it. He also sends His Gospel message of how to be saved to those that do not deserve it – all of us.

Even when trouble comes to His children, His gracious hand always places limits on its severity – it could always be worse. This is one way that He has compassion of His children – even if they are out of the way. He is also longsuffering when we do not learn some lessons from Him as quickly as we should. Thank God that He also places limits on temptations – enabling believers to always get victory.

God’s great grace has also given to His children an incredible amount of promises. They can be used at any time when there is a need and they cover all possible situations, enabling us to be comforted and serve Him as we ought and to be faithful.

Thank God for His great mercy. He tells us, that when we sin, instead of casting us off, He tells us that we can ask for and receive forgiveness and cleansing from all our sin if we are serious and are willing to forsake the sin (I John 1:9).

His great mercy is also seen in that He can save the worst of sinners – if they repent and will believe that Christ can and will save them (Romans 10:13). No one is beyond salvation except they fail to call on Him for it.

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