The Lord Is with Us in the Storms

By | September 27, 2022

Matthew 14:27 “But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.”

The disciples were in the midst of a horrible storm. They were caught in it and saw no way out. They had been rowing all night and were not getting anywhere. The shore was not getting any closer – even though it was visible in the distance.

Darkness was all around and daylight was still hours away. Just when they thought it could not get much worse, a shadowy figure appeared. They thought it was a demon.

At the sight of it, it seemed like all hope was lost. They believed they were about to die.

It was at that moment that Jesus came and spoke to them. In it, Jesus only said three things – but they were very powerful and good to remember.

“Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.”

The first thing He said was to “be of good cheer.” When the disciples heard this, they probably wondered if Jesus had lost His mind. How could we possible be happy about this? The answer is found in Christ’s next statement: “It is I.”

He was not a mere man only – He was God in flesh – nothing was impossible to Him! He said He would meet them on the other side. Because He said it, He would not fail to do it!

To demonstrate His power, He let Peter walk on water and then calmed the sea and brought them to their destination.

Because He is still God, His promises will not fail. If you are His child and are serving Him, we have His promise that He will never leave nor forsake us – not even in the storms.

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