The Freedom That Matters

By | July 5, 2022

Romans 8:2 “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”

Many people enjoy the freedoms found in America. It is a great privilege to live here and people from all over the world would love to live in this great country.

People now in our military services and our veterans fought to ensure that this country remains free. Although there are many freedoms we enjoy that others cannot, the freedoms enjoyed here are not the greatest freedoms you can have.

Some rich people and marketers would have you believe that having enough money to do what you want is the real freedom. While not many have that kind of luxury – it also is not the greatest kind of freedom you could have.

The verse in this blog post reveals that those who are saved – Christians regenerated by the Holy Spirit – are the ones who are truly free. So many people are trying to earn their way to Heaven by good works. They have become slaves to the law of God but have failed to understand that they can never be free from it because the flesh cannot keep it.

This is why God sent Jesus Christ to die for us. The law can only condemn – but Christ brings mercy and grace for salvation. Once in Christ, the law can never condemn them to Hell and the Spirit empowers them to be able to live unto God.

They have power to do what God wants. That is real freedom – and it comes with His peace of mind, too.

Do you have that kind of freedom today?

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