The Desperately Needed Victory Over the Eyes

By | June 28, 2024

Psalm 101:3 “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.”

David, the writer of this Psalm, had experienced what happens when you do not control what you see with your eyes. He first saw beautiful Bathsheba from the palace bathing on her rooftop (which was normal in those days because it offered privacy from those in the often single-room house below).

Also, the Bible tells us that Eve saw (looked at and evaluated) the fruit of the forbidden tree and “saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes…,” then, she ate it and gave it to Adam. We know the rest of the story and how the world has not been the same since.

Achan saw the Babylonish garment, the gold wedge, and the silver (Joshua 6:20,21), and hid them in his tent. His sin brought about the defeat of the Israelites at Ai.

In the text verse, David warns us to be careful of what we choose to put before our eyes. Not doing so will certainly take the eyes off Christ and put them on worldly things. It will likely lead to covetousness, lust, worldliness, and ultimately a lack of rewards in the next life.

Sometimes, you cannot help but see some things that you should not. Other times, you may choose to see those things you should not be looking at. In either case, the choice to continue looking at those things is just that – a choice. Victory can only come when you refuse to think further on those wrong things and ask God to help you think on right things that please Him.

In the above verse, David makes a decision that every believer needs to make. He decides that he will not be a partaker of sins of the lust of the eyes or of those who do (the “work of them that turn aside”). He also determines, as we also must do if we are to have victory, that he will no longer fall victim to sin caused by his eyes.

The lust of the eyes has led to the destruction of many a Christians’ testimony – and often their marriage. It often begins when you think nobody else knows what you are doing – God knows.

How about you? Are you ready to make that decision and ask God to help you avoid looking at vain things that do not help you live a clean and godly life? Put away the pornography, looking at nudity, and the scantily clothed men and women! Also, quit following the lifestyles of the so-called rich and famous – those lifestyles are not for the child of God. Cut back on your empty hours online and watch out for those movies that do not encourage godliness!

Sin begins with carelessness of the eyes. Pictures once seen are stored in the mind – they will be back and haunt you. Ask God for victory and begin to live a life to His glory.

This would be a very good verse to memorize to help get victory when you need it.

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