The Connection Between Knowing God’s Will and Faithfulness

By | April 25, 2022

Genesis 24:48 “And I bowed down my head, and worshipped the LORD, and blessed the LORD God of my master Abraham, which had led me in the right way to take my master’s brother’s daughter unto his son.”

Abraham’s servant had been sent to get a bride for Isaac. As instructed, he went to the place Abraham sent him – to the land of his relatives. It was a journey of many miles.

The servant, whose name is unknown, was faithful in everything Abraham told him to do. He did not dawdle or exalt himself. He repeatedly spoke of Abraham as “my master.” He was not ashamed of his position. Paul also gladly referred to himself as a “servant.”

Everything this servant did was faithful to his master – even in his attitudes. He did not take any shortcuts and had no plans of his own. He also was a believer because he prayed and God answered him in the middle of his prayer. It is also mentioned more than once in this story that he worshipped the Lord and gave Him thanks.

What needs to be seen in this chapter is that the servant was faithful to all of his instructions. Hi did not pick and choose which parts he liked and leave off the unfavorable parts. This incident in the servant’s life brings out a principle that must be followed if you would know God’s specific will for your life. He said, in verse 18: “the Lord God…had led me in the right way.” As he went and obeyed, God led him. Just like you cannot steer a vehicle that is not moving so a believer cannot be guided unless he or she is in the way already.

If you want to know God’s will, you must already be doing what you know about God wants believers to do. In other words, God will not show you steps B, C, and D until you first take step A. This needs to be done where you are – and right now. You must also be faithful in that task. God never called lazy people or faithless ones.

Nor has God ever given riches to believers who are not already faithful in the little things. David and Moses were both faithful in watching over sheep when God called them; Elisha was plowing when God called him; Peter and John were washing their nets, etc., when God called them.

God will show you His will for your life when He is ready – and when you are ready. In the meantime, be faithful where you are and continue to be faithful in going to church, reading your Bible, praying, tithing, and witnessing. Be available to help in the ministries of the church.

If God gave you a personal report card today – would He say that you are faithful? Are there areas in your life that need some work?

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