The Christmas Message of Joy Is Still Good News

By | December 25, 2021

Luke 2:10-12 “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. “

Ever since the angels promised “good tidings of great joy” to the shepherds, it has been a source of “great joy” to those who understood the Christmas message. It still is the greatest news ever heard for those who grasp its full meaning.

Shortly after delivering this good news, other angels joined in and they sang: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). Jesus’ birth fulfills some of God’s promises made millennia ago, that countless numbers of people looked forward to with anticipation.

Here are some things to be very glad and joyous about that God’s intervention in history has accomplished – including not only Jesus’ birth, but also His whole life, death, and resurrection:

  1. It strengthened people’s confidence in God that He would do what He promised.
  2. It revealed that God cared enough to come into our world and live in it for a while to understand what we experience day-by-day.
  3. It showed us, through Christ’s words and actions, what God expects of us – and how much we fall short.
  4. It provided us with a Lamb (Jesus Christ) that would forever take away our sin. After His death on the Cross – no other sacrifice is needed or desired for forgiveness and salvation.
  5. It revealed that we cannot please God on our own – either inwardly or outwardly. Christ lived in the power of the Holy Spirit, and His Spirit enables us to please God once saved.
  6. It showed that God wants every human to be saved – no matter who they are or what they have done. His love is perfect, and because of it “whosoever will may be saved.”
  7. It not only enabled us to be saved, it also puts believers into the family of God – making them His children forever – with an inheritance waiting in glory! Thank God that a son can never be unborn – that means saved forever!
  8. It also reveals how much God wants us to dwell with Him forever. He did not have to come!

If you would like to know more about salvation and how you can be saved, follow the link to learn more.

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