Proverbs 14:34 “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”
The Bible offers plenty of examples – especially in the Old Testament – that reveals when God’s people live the way He desires, that the nation is blest. Seeking to please God in all you do is the secret to revival and blessing.
When political leaders have their own agendas that do not include God or what He wants from us as a nation or as individual believers, trouble comes and that nation begins to lose its status among the nations. If God is going to bless a nation and make it great again, including America, it must be a godly one.
He sometimes lets a nation go on in a direction away from Him for a season, but sooner or later, God will remove His blessing from that land. Its rank among the nations will decrease, and faster as its people refuse to honor God with their lives.
Yes, God has some restrictions. They are not there to take away our happiness and joy. Instead, they are like a fence to keep us in His blessing. It is like a fence to keep the dog in your yard – when it goes outside the fence, there are plenty of dangers that could harm or even kill it.
“Righteousness exalteth a nation” because God blesses righteousness, and He wants other nations to see that He is good and will bless those nations and individuals, too, if they will honor Him with more than just their lips. He is good indeed.
The Bible tells the believer that when we seek to promote His Kingdom and live right, He will bless us and meet our needs. This promise can be found in Matthew 6:33: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”