The Best Freedom Possible

By | July 5, 2024

John 8:36 “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

Americans enjoy having freedom – and they should. The freedoms in this country are many, and we have been privileged to have had them for a long time.

The best freedom, however, is not one that is issued by governments, but it is given by the Son of God – Jesus Christ. He shed His blood for us so that we could go free of the enslavement of sin.

Jesus Christ grants freedom to those who come to Him without price – to sinners. He paid the price alone on the cruel cross. It was a price we owed to God. The best thing about it is that it is a gift from Him to “whosover will.” None are rejected if they are sorry for their sin and will trust Him alone to be their Savior. 

Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection gives to His children several instant benefits – freedoms. They include:

  1. Freedom from the penalty of sin – Hell
  2. Freedom from the law’s ability to further condemn us
  3. Freedom to have power over sin – by choice
  4. Freedom from the fears that lost people have because of an uncertain future (they walk in darkness)
  5. Freedom to know where we go when we die – to Heaven to be with or Savior forever (eternal life)
  6. Freedom to have instant access to the Creator’s Throne in prayer. Our Father cares for us.
  7. And more.

All of these freedoms can never be taken away – even if you must go to prison for what you believe. How many of these freedoms are you enjoying today?

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5:1).

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