The Believer’s Need of Other Believers

By | July 10, 2024

I Corinthians 12:27 “Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.”

In I Corinthians 12, Paul compares the church to a body. He uses a singular form – “body,” not “bodies.”

It is a powerful illustration of what each believer is to each other. Just as a brain or a heart is useless without the other parts of the body, so is a Christian without the local church.

Many believers today think they do not need other Christians, but it is not true. They believe they can worship God in the woods or on the lake. Of course, they can, but that is not what God said we are to do. It overlooks the reasons why God said we need to meet regularly.

Christians need each other. That is why Paul tells us that the gifts each believer has are to be used to edify one another. They are not given merely for self. It is at church where prayers by others are offered to meet needs, as well as encouragement and Bible instruction is given. It is at church where the spiritual gifts are used, where we bring our tithes and offerings, and where we can be a blessing to other believers to help them through the week.

Growing Christians need more than head knowledge of the Bible. At church, they will see some mature believers and learn how to serve and live for God. They can also be a blessing to others.

A coal left to itself will go out. But when it is set beside other ones, it will warm up again and become hot. The testimony and lives of others helps keep the fire in the heart burning with love to God and other believers. This way, our love does not grow cold.

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