Thank God for Victory

By | October 7, 2021

I John 5:4 “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”

Even in a world that is not a friend to Christ – or to Christians – victory is still possible. In fact, there is no sin that a believer cannot get victory over.

One reason that many believers do not see victory is that they do not want it bad enough. They want to hold on to it because their flesh loves it. If you will hate the sin, you can get victory over it. The Lord Jesus has promised it in His Word.

According to the above verse, victory is available to you on two conditions. First, you must be a born-again (“born of God”) believer in Christ. He must have saved you. This occurred after you confessed your need of Him to become your Savior.

The second condition is that you need to have faith that He can and will give you the victory. This will be true in any circumstance. He loves to help His children when they call on Him for victory and want to do His will.

When you face temptation, remember that He is just a prayer away and wants to answer prayer. The believer that wants to serve Christ will get the victory needed if they are trusting in the Lord.

Do you need help with some temptation today? Have you asked Him for victory and are you willing to do His will? Deliverance may just be waiting for you to call on Him today. Be sure to thank Him for the victory when you get it.

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