Tag Archives: bible truth

What Bible Truth Must Be Believed to Save the Soul?

Although the Bible is a large book and has much information in it, the truth that can save the soul is easy to understand. God does not leave the matter of salvation to guesswork. He wants everyone to live forever with Him in Heaven. The Gospel, or “good news” of salvation is summed up in… Read More »

Five Reasons Why Good Works Cannot Save You

Now that Christmas has passed, let’s take a couple of minutes to see why Christ had come to earth to die for us. Many of you that read the title above may have been surprised by it. It may also surprise you when I tell you that it is not a trick. It is just… Read More »

How to Start Learning Bible Truth

One of the greatest blessings the born-again child of God can have is the joy that can be gained from the Word of God. One of the important benefits – among many others – is that it will enable you to gain a solid faith in God because you will know what to believe –… Read More »