Strength for the Hour

By | July 26, 2022

Luke 18:1 “And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;”

The Lord Jesus Christ knows what each of us is made of. We are flesh and we are weak, at times. Within each of our hearts is a nature that loves to sin – but God has found a way to give  born-again believers victory every time.

At the moment of salvation, God changed us. He put within us new desires, a new heart, and His own Holy Spirit. He also gave us a whole set of principles and promises to help us have the victory that He wants us to have.

The above verse reveals the key to victory – “pray.” The word “pray” simply means to ask. That is what God wants us to do when we are tempted to sin, tempted to be silent, or tempted to quit.

As you obey Him, God has promised to supply your needs. The key is to “pray.” Make your prayer request for strength known to God. Don’t quit. Don’t yield – pray.

The key to victory is so simple and the available power for victory so all sufficient – yet it is a real wonder why so many believers are defeated. They do not have to be where they are.

Perhaps you are one of them. You are defeated and are tired of it. You would like to see victory. Can you think back to a time when you faced temptation and could have prayed – but didn’t?

Why not pray right now and get back on the path God wants you on – the path of victory, honor, and blessing? Confess your failings, ask Him for strength, and wisdom to serve Him the way you should. He will give it. He has told us that if we pray – we do not need to fear fainting (quitting) because He will help.

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