Sealed – but Grieving the Holy Spirit

By | November 17, 2022

Ephesians 4:30 “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.”

In my last post, I talked about the sealing of the Holy Spirit. Every true believer (yes, there are false believers – professors without works) is sealed at the moment of salvation.

Even though the future of a believer’s salvation is never at stake, the indwelling Holy Spirit is not always comfortable with the believer’s thoughts or actions. Sometimes He is “grieved” with you.

The word “grieved” means that He is sorrowful, made sorry, sad, or offended. You can be sure that when He is grieved that the blessings will stop. Your joy will be lost – if He is not happy – neither will you be.

Notice the reaffirmation in this verse – which is a repeat of Ephesians 1:14: “whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” Even though He becomes grieved – He has not left you. You are still a child of God.

However, why choose to live in such a way that you are without God’s favor and blessings? That is foolish. We grieve Him every time we disobey Him and His Word.

If you believe that you are now walking in God’s displeasure – it’s time to repent and confess it to God. He will forgive and cleanse you of sin. There is great joy and peace to be had for those who please God and follow His Word.

Christian – have you grieved the Holy Spirit and are wondering why He seems so distant? If so, you can be sure that He has not left you – but you are no longer following closely and are out of tune with Him. Why not go to God now, confess it, start living for Him again – and get your joy back?

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