Remembering God’s Wonderful Works

By | July 2, 2024

Psalm 111:4 “He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered: the LORD is gracious and full of compassion.”

Anyone looking into the Old Testament will have to notice that God has done many mighty things for His people. They can be seen over and over again.

These mighty works were done for them for several reasons. Probably the most important was for God to show His people He loved them and wanted to be their God. Unfortunately, they often turned away and chose baser things and idols in His place. Then, to bring them back to Himself, He sometimes used His power again to distress them a little, that they might turn to Him again – instead of casting them off forever..

Jesus also did many powerful miracles – often in the presence of multitudes of people. Several of His miracles had never been done by anyone previously.

The greatest miracle, however, began when Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. To think that God would become man and take on a human body is incredible! It is even more amazing when you realize that He did it so that He could die in our place. His motive was love. He desired to redeem us from the Hell we deserve and to enable us to live with Him forever.

Our text verse tells us that He has done all these marvelous works with the intent that we would remember and think often on them. As His children do that, it will deepen both our love for Him, our faith in Him, and our service for Him. It is a good reason to stay in the Word that we may always be reminded of what He has done for us and for others.

Even though God has done many things for each of us at salvation and afterward, they are but tokens of the love that He will yet show us in glory. Oh, what glory awaits the faithful!

Have you thought of His works toward you today? When you do, thank Him for His compassion and graciousness toward you.

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