Now Is the Time to Be Steadfast

By | September 7, 2024

I Corinthians 15:58 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”

Today, we are seeing a lot of vacillation among people around us. Change is everywhere. It can be seen in our politicians, in people we know, and even in our churches.

Some professing believers are even changing their long-held beliefs from one doctrine to another. The problem with this is that once you give up Biblical beliefs, it is not long before you must change what you believe about other doctrines.

The Galatians had done the same thing, and the Holy Spirit through Paul condemned it. What Paul had taught them in the first place was correct, but they drifted from the truth and were willing to accept other false doctrines. His answer to this problem was clear: “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed” (Gal. 1:8).

God’s Biblical doctrines are not there so that we can change them. The Galatian believers gave up that which freed them from bondage and substituted it for something that put them back in bondage again. It is like the Jews in the wilderness who wanted to go back to Egypt again – and back to slavery – how foolish.

We need to see some believers today who are steadfast in what they believe and in what they practice. So many are leaving churches and claiming that they do not need the church anymore to worship God. They do not realize that this is a most foolish decision and one contrary to the Word of God.

God never encouraged people to do their own thing in the Bible. It means that those who do otherwise think that God has changed His view of His Biblical position on the church – where they got that idea is not from God. All believers in the New Testament were part of a local church. It is taught by Biblical principle and by Biblical example.

Our text verse for today tells us to “be ye stedfast, unmoveable,” and continue doing things God’s way (Biblical). Let others forsake God’s way, Paul said – but you are to follow His way. Doing so identifies you as a true follower of Jesus Christ. We are to be followers of Him until He comes back – which is apt to be very soon.

Avoid listening to people whose ways differ from God’s clear plan for believers. It applies to methods of salvation (which is through His grace by faith in Jesus Christ) and to His plan for discipleship after salvation. Any other ways of thinking are not of God! Following His ways faithfully until He returns leads to victory. 

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