Losing the Weights to Run Better

By | November 9, 2021
Runners run as light as possible

Serious runners do not carry unnecessary weights

Hebrews 12:1 “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,”

Candidates running for a gold medal in the Olympics do all they can to win the race. One important matter involves being sure that they are not carrying around extra and unnecessary weights. Serious runners do not carry around extra weight because they will certainly affect their performance and slow them down.

Christians often carry around unnecessary “weights” that prevent them from doing their best for Christ. These weights are often revealed by the excuses Christians offer as to why they are not more faithful to Christ and the local church.

After salvation, many things often stand in the way of faithful service. Christians need to take a good look at what prevents them (“weights”) from serving Christ better. The list could be quite long, but may include:

  • Sins – big or little
  • Wanting to please other people – rather than Christ
  • Possessions and covetousness – want a bigger home or car
  • Cares of this life
  • Too busy – other things are more important
  • Fear – afraid of what others may think
  • Bitterness – can’t forgive and forget.

No matter what is currently stopping you from doing your best for Christ – it is time to think about what will really matter in eternity. Of course, you cannot take anything with you, and when you look into Christ’s eyes on that day – Who gave His all to save you, there will only be a great deal of shame that you did not love Him more and seek to do better.

Why not make that decision today to choose to run (live) for Christ better by starting to obey the Lord Jesus? You make that decision by first confessing to God a lack of concern for Christ and His cause, and then getting into a Bible-preaching church where Christ is honored and you can grow as a believer.


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