Looking for a Man

By | May 18, 2024

Ezekiel 22:30 “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”

God looked for a man in Ezekiel’s day and I believe He is looking for men now. There is little doubt that God must judge America for its sin against the light that He has allowed us to have.

America still has many professing believers and many churches. Few, however, seem to try to be a light in their community. Even fewer men and women could be called real “prayer warriors.”

Christians must realize that God gives a land limited time to repent. Once that window is past – all hope is gone for the survival of that nation. America’s hope does not lie with politicians, but in the lap of believers fervent about serving God.

Right now, America still has a chance for revival. There may only be local revivals, not national, we really cannot tell what God will do. But we certainly do not want to limit God because we are the ones not revived.

Individual Christians need to be revived before any revival will ever happen. It must have a starting place. God is looking for someone to use, and it still is true that there is no limit to what God can do through someone that is wholly surrendered to Him.

Will you be one? One who will spend serious time in prayer fervently praying for this land? For Preachers? For Churches? For your community? For our nation? For real revival – not just meetings? It also means speaking out for God and being His witness.

If you would be one – with God’s help, leave me a message and let me know. I would appreciate it. I will pray for you. I would appreciate your prayers, too, as I continue to preach and minister in writing.

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