Listening for God

By | September 3, 2024

I Samuel 3:4,5 “That the LORD called Samuel: and he answered, Here am I. And he ran unto Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou calledst me. And he said, I called not; lie down again. And he went and lay down.”

The Lord gives us some lessons from His interaction with Samuel when he was still very young. At this point, Samuel had not had any previous communication with God – but now it was time.

If you want to hear the Lord guiding your life more fully, it is necessary to draw as close as you can to Him – and seek to stay there. The closer you draw to God, the more easily you can hear His voice.

I. Recognize Who Is Speaking

We must be able to discern God’s leading in our life, as opposed to the leading of the flesh, of others, and of Satan. At first, Samuel thought it was Eli calling him. He did not know that God could or would speak to him.

II. Come Apart to Hear

God will only speak to a quiet heart. Get alone with God in prayer and shut the closet door. If we are too busy to get alone with Him, we will not hear what He has to say.

III. Be Ready to Obey

Once we are ready to hear, be sure you are willing to say: “Here am I, Lord.” It means surrender to His will. Not just to check out what He has to say so you can decide later if you want to do it or not – but there must be a readiness to do even before you know what it is He wants you to do.

IV. Carry Through to Hear More

If you do not do what He tells you to do, it is highly doubtful that He will tell you more. Your fellowship is hindered from that point on until you are ready to obey.

Samuel, though fearful to tell Eli what God told him – he did it anyway. Once you do obey, you can expect to have Him continue to guide you.

Christian, are you in that sweet place where you can hear and do the will of God?

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