Letting Go of the Little Things

By | September 14, 2021

Hebrews 12:1 “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,”

So often today, believers are quick to say that they want the power of God in their life to be able to serve Him better. They know that His power is available. They have heard about it in sermons, read about it in the Bible and in the lives of various missionaries and preachers, and may even know someone that has God’s power on their life. Yet, how to have it personally seems to continually elude them.

Even though you may live a life that is generally free from outward – and even some inward sin – there still may be toleration of some sins in the heart. It is quite possible that the toleration and possibly even excusing of some sin – even small ones – could be the reason why there is a lack of power.

Since God sees everything in our hearts, He is not fooled by a life that continues to entertain compromises. Be honest about your sin and confess it to God. Then, ask for His help in getting victory over those sins. The text verse declares that there are “witnesses” all around – possibly saints that have gone on before and angels – that are constantly watching. No doubt they wonder why the sin continues to be entertained and how long you will be without the power you say you seek.

If you, as a Christian, are not certain about what little sins may still be in your life, ask God to show them to you – He will. It is pointless to ask for it, however, if you have no real intention to give them up for His glory. In that case, you will want to ask yourself: “What sin is worth having that it will continue to rob you of God’s power and blessing – and that you will only regret further in eternity?”

While no believer will reach sinless perfection in this life – you can still have His power if you continue to seek His glory and confess and forsake sin with His ongoing help.

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