Knowledge of the Word Increases Boldness

By | September 30, 2022

II Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Paul told Timothy to “study” – not just read – the Word of God. The Greek word for study means to give diligence to and to labor. Although reading the Bible is important – God desires to teach you so much more than you will get just out of reading.

It is true that studying the Word is a labor – especially as a habit. Those who do so, however, learn the great truths of God’s Word that excite the soul to boldness – as well as giving them real answers to people who ask questions. They are the ones that God’s Spirit teaches.

Even more important, though, is that God is pleased with those who study the Word. The blessing comes when you study to learn more about Him and His ways – and then apply them to your life.

Studying the Word also enables you to avoid the doctrinal errors that so many people fall into because they do not know enough of the Word – or about God. Being grounded in the truth (knowing how to “rightly dividing the word of truth”) emboldens your witness and enables you to talk to more types of people about Christ and salvation – because you will “not …be ashamed.”

It also needs to be said that you can never learn all that the Word can teach you – no matter how much you study it. The Bible is infinite in wisdom and knowledge. You can always learn more.

Are you studying the Bible regularly? If not, why not start today?

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