Identifying the Real Christ of the Bible

Book - the Real Christ

Christ is real and can be known!

Some writers in recent days have set out to prove that Christ is not the One that Christians have believed Him to be. This book, Identifying the Real Christ of the Bible, takes an entirely different approach. The author (a conservative Baptist preacher) believes that the Bible is to be taken at face value and that its words are indeed from God.

This book introduces Christ as to Who the Bible says He is and why it was necessary that He came to earth. If you would like to know more about Who Christ is – from the Bible’s perspective, then this book is a must read for you. After reading this book, you will understand why the author says:

“He really is unlike any other human who ever lived. His unique life, nature, and work are truly beyond any explanation apart from being Divine.”

The book contains 10 easy-to-understand chapters to provide a careful overview of Christ. Each chapter covers a different aspect of this Man called the Son of God. They include some important prophecies about Christ, Biblical pictures of Christ, Who the Bible says He was – and still is, what Christ taught about how to go to Heaven, testimonies of others about Him, and much more.

If you have ever wondered: Who is Christ?, or, Is Jesus God?, or, Is God real?, here is a must-have book that explains the answers to these important questions. Find out why so many are following this One Who claimed to be Divine, and take a look at some of the evidences of His Heavenly nature. Even more importantly, though, discover why the Bible says it is imperative that every human must understand the message of the Bible and the One it presents from cover to cover.

* Available as a physical booklet only (49 pages; 5.5″ X 8.5″) for $4.99 plus $1.30 for postage):