God’s Enduring Promise of Provision

By | September 7, 2022

Philippians 4:19 “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

One promise that believers of all ages have clung to in times of need is this promise in Philippians 4:19. God’s promise is that of provision – and it is based on His riches – not our bank accounts.

Personally, I have found this verse to be true over the decades that I have been a believer. He has never failed. There has been testing – and sometimes He did not provide when I thought He should – or, at least when I wanted Him to; nevertheless, it came when needed.

In spite of my desires for convenience, what I and my family have needed has always been there. The key to God’s provision is faith and being obedient.

God does not show His kindness to wayward children – or to those that are not His children. In Philippians, Paul gave this promise from God to believers that had given to support him in his ministry. God called their gift “an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God” vs. 18).

God’s gifts to meet our needs are not always financial. Sometimes He just makes things like clothes, appliances, cars, etc. – last longer so they do not need to be repaired or replaced. This saves money on your part – and your needs are less.

The Word of God cannot fail. If you are faithful to Him – including going to church, witnessing, and tithing, etc., His promise is for you. God’s desire is that we trust Him for our needs. It does not mean that getting a job is unnecessary, but always look to Him first in all decisions you make.

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