God Wants to Save Sinners

By | January 24, 2022

Luke 19:10 “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

When Jesus spoke the words in the above verse, He no doubt shocked the religious leaders of His day who heard it. They likely thought that God should honor their hard efforts at being righteous and accomplishments – which often was no more than a show of self-righteousness.

Although the leaders of Israel often heard Jesus’ words, His message was more often directed toward sinners. Righteous people often think that God should be pleased with them – but sinners know that God is not pleased with their sin. God cannot do anything for someone who thinks they already have all they need. It is only when the need for a Savior is recognized that He can help.

God does not cast off sinners, friend. Instead, He wants you to come to Him. In fact, it is you that He died for. It does not matter what sin or sins you have committed: any sin can be forgiven if you let Christ save you! Once people realize that they are condemned in God’s eyes, they are but one step away from salvation.

In God’s eyes, everyone is a sinner – but many people refuse to accept it. In Romans 3:10, the Bible says: “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.” Because no one is righteous enough in God’s eyes to earn salvation and go to Heaven, God is willing to grant forgiveness and credit your account in Heaven as being righteous. He blots out the sin and writes in its place: the righteousness of Christ.

You can receive and enjoy God’s salvation by turning from sin in your heart and believing that Christ died for you. Ask Christ to be your personal Savior and wash away your sins – and He will gladly do so if you are serious. In John 6:37, Jesus promised: “him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.”

If you have never done that before – why not call on Him in prayer right now and let Him save you today? He is more than willing – He died to give it to you.

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