God Offers a Better Life Now

By | January 2, 2022

John 10:10 “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

In this verse, the “thief” is Satan, and he continues to be a deceiver. He makes people think that they are having fun, or doing OK with God, or going to Heaven when they are not. He offers them distractions, duties, pleasures, even religion – but it is a smokescreen because they are not doing what God wants, nor are they accepting God’s free gift of salvation through Christ.

By rejecting – or by not accepting God’s gift of salvation through Christ – which is the same as rejecting it – the end result is the same – Hell! Most people like to think that they are going to go to Heaven – but they cannot tell you how they will get there – for sure! It is doubtful that a person could get to a desired destination if they do not know how.

In the above verse, it says that Jesus came to give life “more abundantly.” This means better than what you already have – and it applies to everyone. While most people think that religion is restricting, which it can be. The difference in this case is a personal relationship with Christ – not a religion. The truth is the opposite – salvation and a relationship with Christ frees the mind, heart, and life to enjoy a better life. 

It frees the heart and mind in the following ways once you are saved and serving God:

  1. Freedom from the guilt of sin
  2. Freedom from the penalty of sin
  3. Freedom from the fear of Hell
  4. Freedom to enjoy peace with God
  5. Freedom to enjoy the peace of God
  6. Freedom to have victory over sin
  7. Freedom to live life without guilt or remorse
  8. Freedom to enjoy God’s guidance
  9. And more!

In reality, it becomes a life designed by God – and He intends to bless His children! Does the abundant life sound like something you want? Talk to God about it today and surrender to His will. If you are not yet saved – why not get saved today?

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