God Loves Single-mindedness

By | June 28, 2022

Philippians 3:15 “but this one thing I do.”

There are many options in day-to-day life that you can do in your spare time. Entertainment options abound on the TV, the Internet, books, computer games, and more.

As a Christian, it seems that there ought to be a better use of time. Spending hours doing any of the above things is clearly a waste of time. Christians are to be “redeeming the time” (Eph. 5:16), which means to use it wisely. Remember that none of the above things will bring rewards from the King of kings – to Whom we will all give account.

When Jesus interpreted the second commandment, He said that man should “love the Lord thy God with all they heart, and with all they soul, and with all they mind” (Mt. 22:37).  If we loved the Lord like that, it would rule out many frivolous options that demand so much time.

Paul the apostle was truly single-minded – doing “one thing” – and his life revealed it. He accomplished an incredible amount of things to promote the Gospel and build churches. Of course, not everyone is called to be a preacher, but every Christian can have a part in both of these things. It is true that being single-minded will be revealed differently in different believers.

Being single-minded does not mean ignoring normal responsibilities such as working, taking care of children, keeping the house clean and the lawn mowed, etc. – but it does mean putting the Lord first in your daily – and even hourly – decisions.

If we say that we are serving the Lord, then our activities should reveal that we are. If that is true, then it ought to be evident on more than one day a week. What are you doing for Him on Monday through Saturday?

A single-minded life should remind others of the Lord Jesus. It will also include time set aside to meet with God in Bible reading, study of the Word, and prayer.

Whether or not you are single-minded will reveal what kind of Christian you really are and whether you really love Him or not. Would our Lord praise you for a godly and single-minded life?

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