God Is Good – All the Time

By | September 5, 2022

Psalm 9:1“I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.”

Even though King David had a very troubled life, he did not fail to praise God for His goodness. He recognized God’s good hand in all that He permitted in his life and the multiplied deliverances he experienced – the “all thy marvellous works.”

He gave God his all and praised God for His worthiness and righteousness. David thought God was worth all his praise and let others know of the goodness of God, too.

If you are a believer that seeks to please God with your life, you also know of His goodness and mercy toward you. He has not given us what we deserve – thank God for that. He has been exceedingly good to us; so much so that we cannot thank Him enough for all He has done. There is so much we do not know about, too, that He has done for each of His children.

As believers, if you have tasted that God is good, you need to tell others about it. Let Him put joy in your heart and a smile on your face. After all, who would believe that God is good to you if you look miserable. Your joy is your testimony.

Just thinking about and meditating on His Word, ought to put joy in your heart. Remember that the “joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). Think about His goodness to you today – and be sure to thank Him for it.

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