Giving Our All in the Time Left in the Race

By | June 24, 2024

I Corinthians 9:24 “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.”

A lot is being said about the Olympics and sports in the media. There seems to be constant reporting about their lives, their wins, losses, and the trades of some of them to different teams.

Paul compares the Christian life to that of a race. In any race, if you want to win, it will take all you’ve got – and then some. You must practice harder than your competitors. You must run hard and give it all out there on the track. There is no room for slackness.

A careless moment or a distracted one can cost you the race. Only one person is going to win the top trophy or medal.

Many Christians I talk to are only half-heartedly (or less) serving Christ. For His love and sacrifice for us, we ought to be giving Him our all. Could we be doing more than we are to bring the lost to Christ?

Could we be more whole-hearted for Him than we are? Has our love grown cold that we find ourselves doing less than our best? Has your Bible been collecting dust on it and your prayer time forsaken?

Paul gives us a solution – “run, that ye may obtain.” Go for the gold medal! Don’t settle for the bronze one. Please Him in all you do, say, and think. Give it your all and Christ will recognize your work of love for Him and reward you accordingly. Nothing is done for Him is in vain as long as He leads.

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